មគ្គុទេសក៍ឌីជីថលជាមគ្គុទេសក៍ក្នុងការរស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca ប្រទេសម៉ិកស៊ិក
Oaxaca គឺជាទិសដៅមួយនៃការប្រកួតប្រជែងផ្នែកឌីជីថលកំពូលមួយនៅម៉ិកស៊ិកនិងពិភពលោក។ រៀនច្រើនទៀតអំពីការរស់នៅក្នុងអូអូកាកាក្នុងមគ្គុទ្ទេសក៍ស៊ីជីនេះ។
នៅឆ្នាំ 2020 ពិភព NOMAD ឌីជីថលបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរជារៀងរហូត។ មិនត្រឹមតែជាអ្នកដែលមានបញ្ហាប្រឈមខ្លាំងប៉ុណ្ណោះទេដែលមានភាពរឹងមាំនៅទូទាំងពិភពលោកប៉ុន្តែសូម្បីតែអ្នកដែលមិនធ្លាប់ធ្វើការរបៀបរស់នៅ ‘ឌីជីថល’ ដែលជាកម្មករពីចម្ងាយក៏ដោយក៏ទាំងអស់គ្នាបានអំពាវនាវឱ្យមានដំណើរការពីខ្លួនឯងដែរ។
Oaxaca ដែលពេញដោយវប្បធម៌
ជាមួយនឹងព្រំដែនចាប់ផ្តើមបើកដំណើរការឡើងវិញកាន់តែច្រើនហើយកាន់តែច្រើននៃកម្លាំងពលកម្មពីចម្ងាយនឹងត្រូវបានគេមិនដែលគិតពីការគិតពីការងារពីបរទេស – ហើយទេសភាពឌីជីថល Nomad ទេសភាពឌីជីថលនឹងកើនឡើងយ៉ាងខ្លាំង!
ទីក្រុងជាច្រើននៅជុំវិញពិភពលោកបានបង្កើតខ្លួនយ៉ាងច្បាស់ថា “ទិសដៅរួសរាយរាក់ទាក់ឌីជីថល” ដែលមានកម្មករដាច់ស្រយាលមួយចំនួនដូចជាកម្មករដាច់ស្រយាលដូចជាឈៀងម៉ៃប៊ែកលីន, Playa del Carmen និង Medellin ។
ទីក្រុង NOMAD ឌីជីថលផ្សេងទៀតនៅតែមានឃកុសដែលនៅតែមាននៅលើរ៉ាដាសំខាន់ប៉ុន្តែនៅតែមានប្រជាជនរស់នៅវិសាមញ្ញ។ Oaxaca de Guarez នៅភាគខាងត្បូងម៉ិកស៊ិកគឺជាជម្រកមួយសម្រាប់កម្មករដាច់ស្រយាលមួយ។ វាជាទីក្រុងមួយក្នុងចំណោមទីក្រុងល្អបំផុតនៅម៉ិកស៊ិកសម្រាប់ការតែងតាំងឌីជីថល។
រស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca
តើ OAXACA ផ្តល់ជូននូវអ្វីដែលជាឌីជីថល Nomads?
តើការចំណាយក្នុងការរស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca គឺជាអ្វី?
គុណសម្បត្តិនិងគុណវិបត្តិនៃការរស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca ជាអ្នកតំណាងឌីជីថល
តើ Oaxaca មានសុវត្ថិភាពទេ?
រស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca
ខ្ញុំបានផ្តោតលើខ្លួនខ្ញុំថាជាឌីជីថលឌីជីថលនៅអូអូកាកាពិចារណាថាខែតុលាឆ្នាំ 2016 ។
បន្ទាប់ពីរស់នៅក្នុងទ្វីបអាស៊ីខ្ញុំបានទាក់ទងទៅ Oaxaca ដោយមានផែនការស្នាក់នៅមួយខែជុំវិញទិវាដ៏ពេញនិយមនៃការប្រារព្ធពិធីនេះមុននឹងគ្រោងធ្វើដំណើរជុំវិញអាមេរិកឡាទីនជាច្រើនទៀត។
លោក Ian ធ្វើការនៅហាងកាហ្វេមួយនៅ Oaxaca
មានទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅកម្ពស់ 1500 ម៉ែត្រពីនីវ៉ូទឹកសមុទ្រអូណាកាគឺជាតំបន់បេតិកភណ្ឌពិភពលោករបស់យូណេស្កូដែលព័ទ្ធជុំវិញដោយអាហារដែលមានកំណត់និងអាហារដែលគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍បំផុតមួយចំនួននៅក្នុងប្រទេសហើយមួយចំនួននៃក្រុមជនជាតិដើមដែលនៅសល់នៅម៉ិកស៊ិក ។
ភាពរស់រវើករបស់ Oaxaca, អគារចម្រុះនៃប្រជាជនក្នុងស្រុក, សហគមន៍ជនបរទេសដ៏អស្ចារ្យ, ភ្នំ Stunning, និងម្ហូបស្តង់ដារអន្តរជាតិបានកំណត់វាជាទីក្រុងមួយក្នុងចំណោមទីក្រុងដែលបានស្រឡាញ់របស់ខ្ញុំមិនត្រឹមតែនៅក្នុងប្រទេសម៉ិកស៊ិកប៉ុណ្ណោះទេប៉ុន្តែនៅក្នុងពិភពលោកផងដែរប៉ុន្តែនៅក្នុងពិភពលោក!
តើ OAXACA ផ្តល់ជូននូវអ្វីដែលជាឌីជីថល Nomads?
Oaxaca គឺជាទីក្រុងដ៏ល្អបំផុតសម្រាប់ក្រុមការងារឌីជីថលដែលភាគច្រើនដោយសារតែកម្មករដាច់ស្រយាលរបស់ខ្លួនគឺមានតំលៃសមរម្យរបស់ខ្លួនបើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹងគោលដៅដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយរបស់ម៉ិកស៊ិកនិងភាពសំបូរបែបជាច្រើនតោនដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យការស្នាក់នៅរបស់អ្នកមានផាសុកភាព
លើសពីនេះទៀត Oaxaca ប្រើកន្លែងទំនេរនិងប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រងាយស្រួលទាំងក្នុងនិងក្រៅទីក្រុងហើយជាការពិតណាស់វាជាចំនួនប្រជាជនក្នុងតំបន់ដែលជាក្រុមជនជាតិដើមភាគតិចទាំង 11 ដែលផ្តោតលើរដ្ឋ Oaxaca ដ៏ធំមួយដែលមានរដ្ឋ Oaxaca ។
មានឈុតឆាកលំនាលពេលរាត្រីរាត្រីនៅអូអូកាកាដែលមានកន្លែងហាត់ប្រាណច្រើននិងស្ទូឌីយោយូហ្គានៅទូទាំងទីក្រុងនិងឈុតឆាកកាហ្វេល្អបំផុតមួយនៅក្នុងប្រទេសម៉ិកស៊ិក។ ត្រៀមខ្លួនដើម្បីបន្ធូរខ្សែក្រវាត់របស់អ្នកនៅពេលដែលឆាកអាហារនៅអូអូកាកាត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ទូទាំងប្រទេសសម្រាប់ការស្ថិតនៅក្នុងចំណោមអ្នកដែលល្អបំផុត!
ដែលមានទីតាំងខ្ពស់នៅលើភ្នំអាកាសធាតុល្អបំផុតពេញមួយឆ្នាំដោយគ្មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់នៃខ្យល់ព្យុះដែលបុកទីក្រុងឆ្នេរដូចជាខាលីខុននិង Playa del Carken ។ ខណៈពេលដែលរស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca អ្នកអាចរីករាយនៅលើធម្មជាតិភ្នំនិងព្រៃឈើល្អបំផុតនៅលើទីក្រុង។
Oaxaca ពិតប្រាកដគឺជាជម្រើសកំពូលសម្រាប់ការតែងតាំងឌីជីថលដែលមានឈ្មោះថានៅលើចំណែកនៃឋានសួគ៌ដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាតនេះ។ មានរឿងដែលគ្មានព្រំដែនដែលអាចមើលឃើញនិងធ្វើនៅ Oaxaca ដើម្បីឱ្យអ្នករវល់។
មានកន្លែងដែលមិនគួរឱ្យជឿជាច្រើនក្នុងការជួលនៅអូអូកាកា។ ពួកគេរាប់ចាប់ពីទីធ្លារស់នៅរយៈពេលវែងនិងស្ទូឌីយោមូលដ្ឋានដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យផ្ទះអាណានិគមឯកជនពិសេសនិងសូម្បីតែខុនដូទំនើបមួយចំនួនដែលមានអ្វីៗគ្រប់យ៉ាងនៅចន្លោះនោះ។
សហគមន៍ជនបរទេសត្រូវបានរីកលូតលាស់ជាបន្តបន្ទាប់for the past 20 years or so in Oaxaca, and thus makes the rental market a bit competitive.
There are several Facebook groups for housing and rentals in Oaxaca. Often, a place that seems too good to be true will be rented within a few hours of being posted online.
If you are planning on staying in Oaxaca long term, it may be best to just clear up with something that has loose commitments, such as a guesthouse, hostel or hotel, as you begin your search.
Understand as well that furnished places are much a lot more expensive than unfurnished. The location will also, as always, greatly influence the price.
Colourful neighbourhood in Oaxaca
Best Neighbourhoods to live in Oaxaca as a digital Nomad
The neighbourhoods which are attracting the most digital nomads ideal now are Jatalaco, and Xochimilco. Both of these neighbourhoods are located on the periphery of Oaxaca’s historic centre.
They are both trendy, loaded with cafes, beautiful colourful colonial architecture and cobblestone streets, and a short walk into Centro for access to the restaurants, art galleries and studios, bars, and parks.
The average private furnished accommodation in these neighbourhoods ranges between 6000-12,000 pesos/month ($300-600 USD).
You can find apartments easily here either by searching in Facebook housing groups for Oaxaca, by using a real estate agent or simply walking around the streets trying to find RENTA signs posted outside.
The only thing that is challenging for some digital nomads is the lack of really fast wifi in a lot of places around the city of Oaxaca. It’s not that it doesn’t exist, but it can be tough to find.
There is good wifi, but not lots of cafes or inclusive apartments here have it. often it is due to infrastructure (no fibre optic cords to that neighbourhood), though usually, it is due to the landlord/owner using a router from 1997, or simply subscribing the least expensive Internet package.
I have experienced wifi as bad as 0.8 MBS, in a Selina co-working space, no less. I have also seen it as fast as 150 MBS in a coffee shop, and 250 MBS in Convivio co-working space.
Housing rentals connection speeds vary greatly too, from the low end of 2MBS being the slowest to about 30 MBS as the fastest I’ve experienced in a home. The average would be closer to about 16 MBS for homes.
If infrastructurally possible, you may be able to discuss a faster connection at home, but that’s not always available.
WiFi in Oaxaca is normally a solid connection, though I have seen fluctuations over the years… especially around April, 2020, when everyone was at home enjoying Netflix! It was pretty slow that month. let us never speak of that month again.
There are three main co-working spaces in Oaxaca.
Convivio Oaxaca
Convivio Oaxaca is a long-standing staple in the Oaxaca Co-Working scene.
Not only was it one of the first co-working spaces here, but it also boasts the fastest WiFi in the city by a long shot, a solid community of co-workers, live music on weekends, a restaurant serving #Oaxasian fusion food, and a bar mixing up some extraordinary cocktails.
Their membership also gets a slew of discounts to the aforementioned, as well as complimentary coffee, tea, and mezcal! costs range from 200 pesos ($10 USD) day passes to 1750 pesos ($90 USD) monthly passes. Convivio is located conveniently in the heart of Centro.
The popular Convivio coworking and community center
Work Coffee Inc.
Work Coffe Inc has become a popular co-working space for locals. There is a cafeteria on the ground floor which is where the co-working space is located. They have a private corporate meeting room with a TV screen, and seating for up to 8 people available for rent.
Work Coffee Inc occasionally has private offices open up for rental ranging between 4-5000 pesos/mo ($198 – $250), though based solely on the vacancy of current tenants.
Their Internet ranges from 50-100 MBS depending on the package you get with them. general co-working prices start at 100 pesos ($5 USD) per day, and upwards of 850 pesos ($45 USD) per month, though may come with some limitations, such as limited time or access to facilities.
Selina is the most well-known chain of co-working spaces in Mexico, and has a location here in Oaxaca. Its main attraction is a rooftop bar, and co-living hotel and door rooms.
There is a restaurant and common area for co-working, though they seemed to have forgotten that digital nomads need wifi to do that too, with some of the slowestwifi in the city (often clocked below 2MBS).
Day passes here start around 200 pesos ($10 USD) up to 2000 pesos ($100 USD) for a general pass, or 4250 pesos ($215) for a dedicated desk. All passes include access to wifi, coffee and meeting rooms. Selina is located just 2 blocks from Convivio, in the heart of Centro.
តើការចំណាយក្នុងការរស់នៅក្នុង Oaxaca គឺជាអ្វី?
You could easily live in Oaxaca for between $1200 – 1400 USD per month, all in, and live very comfortably.
Oaxaca is one of the best budget options for being a digital nomad in Mexico. Being one of the poorest states in the nation, the average cost of day to day living is exceptionally low — having foreign money to spend here helps raise the standards of living for many.
If you are on a tighter budget, it’s easy to find delicious local food for 0.50 cents (10 pesos) per taco, or $1 (20 pesos) per torta/sandwich. That said, you can also splurge at some high-end fine dining of international standards for up to $100 USD.
The food in Oaxaca is some of the best in the country, and it’s very affordable
Accommodation, even on the higher end, is half that of a place such as Playa del Carmen or Puerto Vallarta.
Rentals range anywhere between 3000 pesos ($150 USD) to 20,000 pesos+ ($1000 USD+) per month, depending on neighbourhood, size, amenities and inclusions.
The average for a private, centrally located furnished apartment or condo in Oaxaca is around 8,000-10,000 pesos ($400-500/mo).
The average monthly cost of living in Oaxaca for a lot of digital nomads sits somewhere easily in the middle, with slightly nicer accommodations, a mix of local and international cuisine, occasional day trips out of the city and some nights out on the town.
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As with anywhere, while there are lots of pros to living in Oaxaca, there are some downsides as well.
Some of the greatest pros of being a digital nomad in Oaxaca City are:
Oaxaca is a gastronomical paradise, with some of the best and a lot of diverse food in Mexico!
It’s one of the prettiest and safest towns in the world
It’s walkable and packed with places to go and things to do
It’s got an incredible expat and remote working community
The locals are some of the kindest, humble and welcoming people you’ll ever meet
Some of the cons and things to be aware of in Oaxaca City are:
Oaxacans are passionate people, and as such, it’s not uncommon to see protests or disruptive street blockades, though very rarely are they anything less than peaceful
Though very safe, Oaxaca is a poor state, so petty crime such as pickpocketing does exist
It’s far from the beach (6+ hours by land, or 30 mins by air) — however, the surrounding mountains make for a stunning backdrop
Due to rapid growth in exposure and popularity (Travel & leisure just voted it #1 city in the world to visit ), it runs a high risk of growing without solid infrastructure. visit responsibly, and try to shop and support locally, and keep things sustainable.
Visa situations are different for everyone, and it’s best to check with your local embassy for your nationality’s restrictions. That said, a lot of visas (either applied for in advance, or a Visa on Arrival) are for 6 months, and are free. This makes for one of the best visas in the world.
If you really fall in love with Mexico (which is nearly a guarantee), getting a momentary or permanent residence isn’t too hard either, as long as you have a consistent income and some savings in the bank.
តើ Oaxaca មានសុវត្ថិភាពទេ?
Yes, Oaxaca is safe to visit.
One of the most frequent questions people ask when checking out a new destination is whether or not it’s a safe place to go. Oaxaca is amongst the safest cities in Mexico, though it is not without occasional pet