My Realization of The law Of Attraction & The Power of positive thought
A few years ago, when I was hard at work grinding away at my job as a press operator, I honestly believed that everything in my life concerned me because I worked so hard at it. I had a good car because I worked 45 overtime shifts the year before. I had a good house because I saved money and managed my finances properly. I had Dariece because I slowly courted her over numerous years of friendship.
If someone told me then that if I think of things, then they would magically appear, I would have called them crazy and walked away.
Fast-forward 8 years and here I am today, only working as much as I feel like, and yet living a life of absolute luxury in a Caribbean paradise. I can no longer deny the power of positive thought and the law of attraction (LOA).
Back when I was working 12 hours / day, I didn’t delight in what I was doing for that entire 12 hours. I loved the people I was working with and had fun from time to time, but there was always somewhere I would rather have been. At that time, things just didn’t seem to go my way. I kept having hurdles to jump over and I kept having to be places that I didn’t want to be.
My car would break down and I would have to spend hours with the mechanic. The dishwasher stopped working and I’d have to try to fix it. work would call and request that I come in for even much more overtime hours.
I ought to have known then that the universe was just giving me much more of what I already chose to have. If I was consciously making the decision to work at a place that I didn’t enjoy, and spend many of my waking hours there, then I should have wanted to always be unhappy and be places that I didn’t want to be. Right?
The universe doesn’t think, but it adapts to the choices that we make and sends us similar outcomes based on those choices.
The minute Dariece and I started to think about living a freer life, over 7 years ago, everything started to line up. The hurdles and speed bumps disappeared and all of a sudden we were both on a superhighway to happiness.
I had been trying to sell my shitty little Honda Civic for months, and once I had the mindset to sell it to do something I love, a call came and the car was sold within 2 days.
I needed to make more money to save for travelling, and all of a sudden cheques, returned payments and overtime shifts were appearing as if out of nowhere.
We needed to sell the house in purchase to take off to Thailand and a buyer came just in time.
We needed a place to store our belongings and just then my brother purchased a company with extra storage space and agreed to let us leave our stuff there (a decision that the universe later righted).
Even after this unusual shift in events, I still wasn’t totally convinced that there was a “higher power” at work here.
On the road during that first trip, we had nothing but positive experiences, which isn’t a surprise because we were living a new, stress-free life of travel. but one very unusual thing happened that made me open my eyes a bit. You can read about that crazy LOA lesson here.
Then these types of things started happening all of the time, reminding us that we were on the best path. We missed flights that would have put us in danger, we were kept from travelling off the grid during family emergencies that needed our attention, we arrived in two different places when our preferred bands were playing and we landed our house sitting job in Grenada only months after thinking about how cool it would be to house sit in Grenada.
Those things were all pretty crazy, and they opened my eyes a bit to what was going on around me, but it wasn’t until this past 7 months living in Grenada that we’ve really seen the power of positive thought having a drastic, and near-immediate effect on our lives.
We chose we wanted to start freelance writing, and in the days that followed (not weeks or years) we were contacted by some great sites and companies prepared to pay us for our work.
We chose to set a number, an amount that we would like to make in October of 2014. We set it high, nearly 3 times higher than any amount we had made in previous months. That number was reached by the end of the month.
I said “I wish I could see my grandparents more”, and two days later my grandma emailed me and said that she would like to come and visit us in Mexico.
We chose that we would like to make money without having to work for it, and lately our passive income has been rising every month.
We were exhausted of being secluded and not having enough friends in Grenada. just days after vocalizing our hope for change, our friends Darryl and Amanda contacted us on Twitter and introduced us to so numerous awesomeអ្នកស្រុកនិងជនបរទេស។
Daruee បាននិយាយថានាងមានការព្រួយបារម្ភថាយើងនឹងទទួលបានការលួចចូល។ មួយសប្តាហ៍ក្រោយមកផ្ទះមួយនៅលើទ្រព្យមួយដែលយើងកំពុងអង្គុយមានអ្នកវាយប្រហារដែលមិនចង់បាន។
យើងបានពិភាក្សាអំពីថាតើវានឹងអាក្រក់ប៉ុណ្ណាប្រសិនបើមានអ្វីកើតឡើងចំពោះឡានរបស់ម្ចាស់និង 2 សប្តាហ៍ក្រោយមកមាននរណាម្នាក់បានបុកហើយរត់ខណៈពេលដែលយើងចត។
វាបានក្លាយជារឿងមួយបន្ទាប់ពីមួយផ្សេងទៀតហើយទោះបីជា Daruee តែងតែមានជំនឿលើច្បាប់នៃការទាក់ទាញក៏ដោយខ្ញុំចាត់ទុកខ្លួនខ្ញុំជាអ្នកជឿជាក់យ៉ាងមុតមាំផងដែរ។
ខ្ញុំមិនជឿថានៅពេលដែលខ្ញុំគិតពីអ្វីមួយដែលខ្ញុំគិតថានឹងក្លាយជាការពិតនៅថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់។ ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំដឹងថាតាមរយៈការដើរតាមសុភមង្គលជំនួសឱ្យការបង្ខំឱ្យទទួលបានជោគជ័យយើងកំពុងត្រូវបានបង្ហាញជាបន្តបន្ទាប់នូវផ្លូវដែលត្រូវធ្វើតាមហើយយើងត្រូវបានរំ remind កឥតឈប់ឈរថាយើងកំពុងធ្វើដំណើរឆ្ពោះទៅទិសដៅដ៏ល្អបំផុត។
ប្រភេទនៃ “ថាមពលវេទមន្ត Mumbo Jumbo” ប្រហែលជាមិនសម្រាប់មនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នាទេ។ ខ្ញុំមិនមែនជាសាសនាទេមិនមែនដោយសារតែខ្ញុំមិនជឿលើអំណាចខ្ពស់ទេប៉ុន្តែដោយសារតែខ្ញុំមិនយល់ស្របនឹងសាសនាជាក់លាក់មួយទាំងមូល។ ទោះបី Loa គឺជាសាសនាក៏ដោយខ្ញុំនឹងមិន “អនុវត្ត” វា, ដោយសារតែវាមិនទំនងដែលថាខ្ញុំនឹងយល់ស្របនឹងគ្រប់ផ្នែករបស់វា, ត្រូវបានអ្នកជឿម្នាក់ទៀតចេញដោយអ្នកជឿផ្សេងទៀត។
សមត្ថភាពក្នុងការទទួលបាននូវអ្វីដែលអ្នកចង់បានតាមរយៈគំនិតវិជ្ជមានគឺបើកចំហចំពោះការបកស្រាយហើយអ្វីដែលអស្ចារ្យអំពីវាគឺថាអ្នកដែលជឿលើវាក៏មានដែរ។ លោក Kelli Cooper សរសេរយ៉ាងលំអិតអំពីរបៀបដែលមនុស្សអាចបង្កើតបង្ហាញឱ្យឃើញហើយផ្លាស់ប្តូរជីវិតរបស់ពួកគេដោយប្រើថាមពលដ៏អស្ចារ្យរបស់ពួកគេដោយប្រើថាមពលដ៏អស្ចារ្យរបស់ពួកគេ។
ខ្ញុំមិនស្គាល់វាគ្រប់គ្រាន់ដើម្បីណែនាំអ្នកឯទៀតអំពីរឿងនេះដូចជានាងធ្វើបានទេប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំដឹងថាគ្រប់គ្រាន់ក្នុងការនិយាយដោយមានទំនុកចិត្តថាវាដំណើរការក្នុងជីវិតរបស់យើង។ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបង្ហាញសកលលោកដែលអ្នកមិនចង់មានរសជាតិជូរនៅក្នុងមាត់របស់អ្នកជីវិតនឹងនៅតែបន្តផ្តល់ឱ្យអ្នកនូវក្រូចឆ្មា។ ប៉ុន្តែកុំធ្វើឱ្យក្រូចឆ្មាជាមួយពួកគេ! ប្រាប់សកលលោក Bell Lemons ខ្ញុំចង់បានស្នេហាលុយកាក់សុខភាពសេរីភាពនិងសុភមង្គលច្រើនជាងមុន។
វាសមនឹងការព្យាយាម! វាហាក់ដូចជាចម្លែកណាស់ប៉ុន្តែតើអ្នកត្រូវខាតបង់អ្វី? គ្រាន់តែព្យាយាមធ្វើជំហានតូចៗមួយចំនួនឆ្ពោះទៅរកអ្វីដែលវិជ្ជមានក្នុងជីវិតរបស់អ្នកហើយមើលថាមានអ្វីកើតឡើង។ គិតពីអារម្មណ៍ដែលអ្នកទទួលបាននៅពេលមានអ្វីដែលគួរឱ្យកត់សម្គាល់កើតឡើងជាជាងរស់នៅលើគំនិតដែលថាមានអ្វីអាក្រក់មកហើយមើលថាតើព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នៅក្នុងជីវិតរបស់អ្នកចាប់ផ្តើមផ្លាស់ប្តូរអ្វីដែលប្រសើរជាងមុន។ ជាមួយនឹងជីវិតនឹងអស្ចារ្យដូចដែលវាគឺសម្រាប់ពពែខ្ញុំគិតថាខ្ញុំនឹងចែករំលែកបន្តិចបន្តួចអំពីមូលហេតុដែលយើងសប្បាយចិត្តណាស់។ សាកល្បងវាហើយអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យយើងដឹងពីរបៀបដែលអ្នកទទួលបាន!
តើអ្នកជាម្ចាស់នៃវាសនាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នករួចហើយទេ? ចែករំលែកយោបល់ខ្លះៗនិងបទពិសោធន៍ជាក់លាក់ជាមួយយើងខាងក្រោម!
ចូលចិត្តវា? ពិនវា! ?
ការបដិសេធ: ពពែនៅលើដងផ្លូវគឺជាសហការីអាម៉ាហ្សូននិងជាសម្ព័ន្ធសម្រាប់អ្នកលក់រាយមួយចំនួនផ្សេងទៀត។ នេះបញ្ជាក់ថាយើងរកបានគណៈកម្មការប្រសិនបើអ្នកចុចលើបណ្តាញភ្ជាប់នៅលើប្លក់របស់យើងហើយទិញពីអ្នកលក់រាយទាំងនោះ។